What is IVF Treatment?

IVF Treatment Ankara
Baby news turns a family of two into a happy home. Some couples may not wait long for this happiness. Some of this happiness may be delayed due to gynecological, hormonal and genetic reasons. Infertility is not an unsolvable problem nowadays. Successful results can be obtained with in vitro fertilization treatments developed against this problem.

What is IVF Treatment?
Eggs taken from the woman are fertilized with sperm taken from the man in the laboratory environment. The best quality embryos are placed in the woman's uterus. In this way, couples who have problems can start the treatment process by applying through IVF centers. The treatment process in this center is individualized. Even the smallest details are taken care of in the treatment method prepared specifically for the person. Ankara is a city where these treatment processes are carried out successfully.

To Whom Is IVF Treatment Applied?
The first application of this treatment method, which was found in the 1930s, was in England in 1978. In the early periods, this treatment was applied only to patients with clogged tubes. Today, many causes of infertility, including male infertility, can be overcome with these treatments.

Treatments are carried out in the IVF center in Ankara for the following conditions.


Stages in IVF Treatment
Since 1978, 6 million babies have been born with IVF treatment. There are certain stages in these treatment processes. Couples who want to start treatment will follow the process as follows.

1.) First Interview
When couples come to the first interview, they discuss whether this treatment is really needed. In particular, the risks that may arise during pregnancy are determined in advance. Precautions are taken for these problems before conception. Information is given about the success rates of the treatment. A treatment plan is prepared. And counseling is given about pre-pregnancy nutrition, folic acid use and vaccinations.

2.) Stimulation of the Ovaries
At this stage, ultrasound examination is performed on the second or third day of menstruation. In this examination, it is examined whether the ovaries are normal. If thickening of the uterine wall and cysts are detected in the ovaries, the treatment can be postponed primarily to solve these problems. If there is no problem, the following sequence is followed in Ankara IVF center.

 - The process begins with egg-developing needle treatment.

 - Estrodiol levels are checked in blood and ultrasound at intervals of 2 to 3 days. In this way, ovarian development is examined.

 - In order to crack the eggs that have reached a certain maturity and size, the stage of injection is started.

 - After the cracking needle, it is waited for 34-36 hours. Afterwards, the egg collection procedure is applied.

3.) Egg Collection Procedure
Eggs arrive in the laboratory first. Then the mature ones are selected by going through special processes. The development of eggs fertilized with sperm is followed by embryologists. Quality embryos are transferred to the mother's womb after 3 or 5 days. In determining this transfer day, patient characteristics, embryo number and quality are considered.

4.) Embryo Transfer
In in vitro fertilization ankara treatments without the need for anesthesia, the cervix and vagina are cleaned with special solutions before the transfer. The embryo is gently inserted into the uterus. It is important that the patient has congested urine in these procedures performed with abdominal ultrasounds. In this way, a clearer image is obtained. It may take a while for the embryo to attach to the uterus and develop. On the 12th day after the transfer, the results of the treatment can be seen with a blood pregnancy test.

IVF Treatment Period
The treatment process starts on the second or third day of the menstrual period. And the process was carried out by Prof. Dr. Ankara IVF doctor. Dr. It may take 15-18 days after Hulusi Zeyneloğlu completes the necessary treatment stages. This period may vary depending on the patient's response to treatment and the dose of the drug used. During the treatment, controls are made at intervals of 2-3 days. In this process, blood values ​​and the thickness of the uterine wall are monitored.

Success in IVF

The characteristics of the couple, from the center to the center and Prof. Dr., who is an in vitro fertilization doctor in Ankara. Hulusi Zeyneloğlu may change according to her success. According to the generally accepted rates in the world, the treatment can achieve success between 30 and 70 percent. The most important factor is the age of the woman. Between the ages of 20 and 30 is the ideal reproductive age for women. Despite all the possibilities of modern medicine, a group of 30 percent may not have children.